What is Revisional Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?
Sleeve gastrectomy is a newer procedure than gastric bypass which has been shown to be just as effective as gastric bypass, while offering a less invasive initial procedure. Yet, here too, results can taper off or fail to reach desired levels. Similarly to the gastric bypass, this may be the result of stretching, in this case, the stretching of the 120 cc vertical sleeve which had been created.
Here, the sleeve gastrectomy can actually be repeated as one revisional choice. This requires stapling over the original staple line which had created your sleeve. This does entail a higher risk of complication compared to other revisional procedures.
Alternatively, Band Over Sleeve is another revisional choice. Band Over Sleeve lowers the complication risk as it does not involve that re-stapling procedure of repeating the sleeve gastrectomy, and it works to reverse and control the stretching of the sleeve which was the cause of the problem.
How Does Revisional Lap Band Surgery Work?
In order to be and continue to be effective over the long haul, the lap band must be adjusted and fine-tuned over time. For patients who originally chose the lap band, revisional surgery actually entails the removal of the lap band and a choice of undergoing either gastric bypass or gastric sleeve.
Gastric sleeve is typically recommended for patients who initially saw positive results with lap band surgery. Gastric sleeve leaves your intestinal tract intact, and is less invasive than gastric bypass.
Gastric bypass, on the other hand, is recommended for those who never saw success with the lap band, or patients who are diabetic. It has a proven 40 year record of results, producing weight loss via both restrictive and malabsorptive components.
The Bottom Line on Revisional Surgery
By its very nature, revisional procedures entail higher risk of complication and a higher level of technical challenge. That’s why it’s so important to find an experienced and recognized surgeon or clinic to work with.
Additionally, having the right type of ongoing support and assistance has been proven to have a huge impact on the long term success of patients. Tristate NYBG offers an unmatched bariatric program which guides you to success through each step of your journey.
Whether you’re ready to get started or you’re looking for more information on revisional surgery in Pennsylvania, you can take the first step by calling the expert team at Tristate NYBG at 800.633.8446.