The Tristate New York Bariatric Group offers an AAAASF certified endoscopy suite in our main office, providing you with efficient, convenient service, and the benefit of working with our highly skilled surgical team and board certified anesthesiologist. Learn more about upper GI endoscopy, colonoscopy, and how we’re able to help you here.
New York Endoscopy & Colonoscopy
Colonoscopy & Gastric Endoscopy Procedures in New York
Endoscopy Suite
Endoscopy & Colonoscopy
What is an Endoscopy Procedure?
An endoscopy procedure utilizes an endoscope, a camera attached to a thin, flexible tube with and a bright light source. The endoscope is used to view, diagnose and potentially treat health conditions inside of your body which would be otherwise inaccessible or unable to be viewed.
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Upper Endoscopy
An upper endoscopy, or upper gastrointestinal (UGI) endoscopy allows for the examination of the interior lining of the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine(duodenum). The procedure is completed following administration of sedation by a board certified anesthesiologist. In this procedure, the endoscope is inserted orally and gently fed down your throat, eventually to the duodenum.
This is performed on patients prior to undergoing bariatric surgery, to ensure certain dangerous conditions are not present. This includes gastroesophageal reflux disease, certain bacterial infections, tumors, or hiatal hernia.
It may also be performed following your surgery if certain complications or symptoms arise. This may include severe abdominal pain, persistent vomiting, decreased weight loss, acid reflux, or an inability to feel full. Endoscopy may be used to dilate strictures of the connection between the stomach pouch and small intestine in patients who have had a gastric bypass.
Endoscopy is also utilized to evaluate prospective patients for revisional bariatric surgical procedures.
When You Need a Colonoscopy
A colonoscopy procedure is used primarily to screen for and remove pre-cancerous and cancerous growths(colorectal cancer) in the colon or rectum. In addition, this procedure can identify ulcers, and areas of inflammation or bleeding. It is safe and effective, enabling inspection of the entire large bowel, while also allowing for intervention. This procedure is also performed under sedation.
Colorectal cancer affects approximately 140,000 adults annually, causing 60,000 deaths. More than 90% of patients are over the age of 40. Between 80-90% of patients return to full health when colorectal cancer is caught early; this drops to 50% when it is caught at a later stage. Overall lifetime risk of colorectal cancer is approximately 5%.
Therefore, screening is highly important, particularly for individuals over the age of 50. Those with higher risk levels should begin being screened at a younger age. Added risk factors include personal medical history and family medical history.
Colonoscopies are also used in the evaluation and management of other medical conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
New York Bariatric Group of NYC - Endoscopy & Colonoscopy
What is the difference between Laparoscopy, Endoscopy, and Colonoscopy?
Endoscopy is the broadest term, and any procedure involving the usage of an endoscopic instrument may be classified as “endoscopy”. However, it is also used commonly to refer to an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGI) as referenced above. This procedure looks at the esophagus, stomach, and the first part of the small intestine(duodenum), utilizing an endoscope inserted through the mouth.
Laparoscopic surgery involves small keyhole incisions in your stomach utilized to insert surgical tools and the laparoscope to complete a surgery with minimal invasiveness. The Tristate New York Bariatric Group performs the majority of their bariatric procedures using laparoscopic surgical techniques. The clinic also offers patients the beneficial single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) technique for both lap-band and sleeve gastrectomy.
A colonoscopy examines the entire length of the colon and large intestine, utilizing an endoscope inserted through the rectum. This can be utilized for detection and screening, as well as biopsy and polyp removal.
What should I expect before the Procedure?
To prepare for your procedure, you may be asked to forgo eating or drinking prior to the procedure for a designated amount of time, often 6-8 hours. In the case of colonoscopies, you may be required to take a laxative prep prior to your procedure to completely clear out your colon. Sedation is administered by an anesthesiologist. These procedures are outpatient procedures, with no requirement for overnight hospitalization.
You will be provided with more guidelines and instructions based upon the specific procedure you’re undergoing.
Depending on your procedure, side effects may include a sore throat, bloating, and gas. The risk of complication is minimal but may include perforations or puncturing, internal bleeding, or infection.
Why Should I Choose Tristate NYBG?
The Tristate New York Bariatric Group is the only bariatric surgery practice in the state of New York to offer an AAAASF certified in-house endoscopy suite. This allows our team to quickly diagnose and treat any potential problems before or after your surgery.
Further, you’ll be working with our highly experienced and skilled surgical team, as opposed to a gastroenterologist who is unfamiliar with you, your history, and the overall anatomy of bariatric surgery patients.
We utilize board-certified anesthesiologists and one of the most experienced teams available to you. Having an in-house endoscopy suite also ensures a more efficient and convenient service.
Visit the Tristate NYBG Endoscopy Suite
Call the Tristate New York Bariatric Group at 800.633.8446 with any questions or to schedule an appointment for a colonoscopy or gastric endoscopy procedure.
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